Friday, September 25, 2015

We Were on the News!

You've probably already seen this, but in case you haven't, check out the story that Heather Simonsen from KSL 5 did on our family!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Freshly Picked

When I reached out to Freshly Picked and asked if they would donate to our fundraiser, I hoped they would send one pair of moccasins. When they sent four pairs, I was blown away by their generosity. Now I understand that it’s not just the unique, durable, and adorable product that endears Freshly Picked to its customers, but the brand’s generosity as well.
Anything that can simplify our lives is something worth having, and Freshly Picked offers simplicity in spades. The soft leather is easy to clean and doesn’t give Lars any blisters. More importantly, Lars can put them on himself without having to worry about getting the correct shoe on the correct foot. Toddlers have a 50% chance of getting it right, but somehow manage to get the wrong shoe on the wrong foot 90% of the time. The design of Freshly Picked makes their lives, and their mothers’ lives, a little less frustrating.   

Freshly Picked moccasins come in a variety of designs, from super girly to super masculine, and everything in between. Any child can be comfortable with the shoes’ fit and look.The winning bidders for moccasins will be able to choose the style and size from

Pineapple - Picnic Pack Limited Edition MoccasinsHeirloom in Blush and Gold - FP Signature MoccasinsBeehive State - Utah Collection Moccasins

We are incredibly grateful to Freshly Picked for so generously supporting this auction. Sam’s Hope for a Cure benefits greatly from the donations of local artists and companies like Freshly Picked. The money from the winning bid, as well as the money from all other auction items, will go to the Cystinosis Research Foundation. If you miss out on placing the winning bid for the moccs, we encourage you to  visit to find the perfect moccasins for your little one.

Some of our 2015 Sponsors