blood pressure, weight check, height check, temperature, blood draw = no big deal. urine sample = armageddon. Sam refuses to pee in a cup so he has to wear a bag in his diaper to catch the urine. He absolutely hates when we have to do this test.
The nurses at Stanford are great with Sam.
We're thrilled he's still on the growth charts for height. He grew almost an inch in the last 3 months. We're lucky we won't have to start growth hormone shots anytime soon. Yippee. Good growing, Sam!!
While we waited for Sam to fill his pee bag he watched The Lion King on the i-Pod.
Lars was amazing the whole day. I carried him in the baby bjorn almost all morning with no fuss. He will not be able to take RP103 like Sam until it is FDA approved. We're praying it's approved in January.